Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year... ya bastards!

Happy New Year everyone. Be safe tonight by drinking, doing drugs and driving around blind folded. See you in 08' maybe!

BTW The last Robotronic Dynamite for 07 is up.. Episode 34

abingdon boys school / BLADE CHORD

Sunday, December 30, 2007

HD vs Blu-ray! WTF

This subject is something that has been bothering me lately. I own 2 Blu-ray players (PS3 60gb & Sony S300) as well as a Toshiba XA2 HD player. I have around 140 Blu-ray discs and prolly around 150 HDs.

With that said.

I'm just curious why people get so in to the format war to begin with? Having both formats, I see or hear no difference. I like both formats the same and I could care less who wins to be honest. I've been on forums and all I see is people bash each other. It's kinda like being a fanboy to the tenth power! I'm all about people being down with their favorite format but, I think people do get carried away. I wish they would both last, just so it gives me another option. Look at it as a good thing. Like, videogames you have Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo. 3 different companies competing for the same market (Sort of). Why can't we have that on a media level? I see nothing wrong with two formats for HD films. Whoever wins it's going to be a lot of "I told you so" all over the forum boards. Which is a little dumb. I'm sorry thats how I feel.

Am I the only one who feels like that?

Devil May Cry anime ending

I started watching the Devil May Cry anime. I love the ending theme. So here it is for your listening ears.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Makoto Nagano completes Ninja Warrior

I fucking love this guy. Everyone should watch Ninja Warrior. I'm going to be on their new show Lazy Ninja Warrior, With stages like "reach for the remote" and the deadly "pissing in a bottle". I can't wait.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Hard Gay - Yahoo! (Part 1 of 2)

My friend Wendell turned me on to this incredibly sexy guy.. I love Hard Gay!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas comes to PacLand pt 1

Gotta love the classics..

Merry Christmas everyone!

So much for me to be updating my blog this month. It's been a crazy month for me so I haven't had much time to think. So coming in 2008 I promise more updates and such...

Have a good one guys.

Friday, December 14, 2007