I wish I could just eat one more bowl of S'mores Crunch my favorite cereal as a kid. Years later Kellogg's released Smorz and that's some bootleg broke ass wannabe cereal. S'mores Crunch couldn't be touched. I miss you S'mores.
Plus I have to mention:
What ever happen to one of my childhood favorite cereals? Fruity Yummy Mummy was the shit! Every year around Halloween I would just want to eat the Horror related cereal Fruity Yummy Mummy, Frankenberry, Count Chocula, Boo Berry and Fruit Brute. This sucks because I have a box of Boo Berry but seeing it just made me crave some Yummy Mummy even more!
I miss S'mores Crunch, too...
I want the original 'Smores back too. That kellogs shit cuts the roof of my mouth. I've written General Mills a few times asking them to bring it back and they always say they'll look into it.
In the meantime sign the petition to bring it back!
It is an amusing piece
Paraphrase please
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